“We’re Looking For A 
Few “DREAM” Clients...
Apply Now To Work With Jovan And Fernando!
Remember, we can only work with 5 clients at a time…and the first slot is already full.

So if you’re serious about becoming 1 of the 5 and working with us to architect or build a conversion funnel for you, I need you to apply by clicking the “Apply Now” button on this page.

Since we can only work with only a few advisors at a time, if it’s full at the time of your registration, you will be automatically added to the “Waiting List”.

We only have 4 open slots available and clients are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, so if if you think you might not be ready for this program, I still recommend registering so you can claim a top spot on the list.
This Is NOT For Everybody. 
Here’s Who We CAN Help:
We’re VERY picky about who we’ll speak with and we’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed:
Here it is:

1. You have to have a solid business already. 

This offer is for advisors who are up and running already and simply want to run a lot faster and a lot farther. You should be doing around high-six to seven figures or more each year already.

Oh, and if you’re not willing to invest money into your monthly advertising budget, this won’t be a good fit for you.

2. You must have a steady flow of leads and clients.

This means that you’re getting flow of prospects and converting them into clients already. You’re already investing in your marketing now, you’re promoting, and you’re actively closing new clients.

You don’t have to be “everywhere” or “huge” ...I just need you to be PRESENT in your market.

3. You must have a list.

It doesn’t really need to be that big ...but you need to have a database of all your prospects compiled.

4. You MUST follow directions. 

After all, if you don’t actually implement the ideas we tell you to do, you won’t get results. Plus, this is a BIG one. You gotta have a good attitude and a pleasure to work with. We’ve had to turn away “top producers” because they’re egos got in the way of making some serious progress.

Here’s What We Want 
You To Do Next
Fill out the short application form...don’t worry it’s simple (about 8 questions and 3 of them are multiple choice) and not at all intrusive - we just need to know a little about you and your business before we jump on the call.

Next, Fernando and I will personally review your application and if we think you qualify and we can really help you, Susan from our office will reach out to you to schedule a strategy call.

Your strategy call will be with both Fernando and I, so we can learn exactly what you’re doing right now in your digital marketing and what are the types of results that you are looking to produce.

Unfortunately, we will only schedule a strategy call if based on your application we feel strongly that we can help make a dramatic difference in your business, so if we don’t reach out to you, please don’t take it personal :)

If we do select you as a potential candidate to work with, you should expect the call to take about 45-60 minutes and during that time we’ll review your goals, your existing digital marketing campaigns and start to create a focused 90 day digital marketing strategy. Finally we’ll decide together with you if the program is a good fit for you or not.

If so we’ll invite you into the program, and we’ll get started right away...If not, no hard feelings, we’ll wish you the best and perhaps we will work together in the future.

If you feel like this program could be for you and you’re ready to apply for this exclusive program, just click the button below to go so we can start reviewing your application.
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